Wisdom teeth

The extraction of wisdom teeth is often recommended when there is a “lack of space” within the patient’s jaw. It is interesting to consult, to prevent. Non-extraction of wisdom teeth can lead to tooth movements, occlusion problems …

When is it necessary to extract a wisdom tooth?

  • During orthodontic treatment, because the push of wisdom teeth can change the alignment of other teeth.
  • In case of pain due to blockage of the exit of the wisdom tooth. Those felt in the temporomandibular joints sometimes also come after the modification of the location of the other teeth.
  • When the thrust of the wisdom tooth weakens the neighboring tooth, exposing it to the risk of cavities.
  • In case of infection, especially if the crown has only partially erupted. A gingival cul-de-sac is formed in which food debris stagnates. The bacteria swarm, causing inflammation. It is pericoronarity. Untreated, this condition can degenerate into abscess (presence of pus), or even cellulitis, that is to say, infection of the soft tissues of the face.

When should I go to the hospital?

Most wisdom tooth extractions can be done in the dental office under local anesthesia, usually in a stomatologist or maxillofacial surgeon. Know that two teeth, at most, are operated at the same time. However, for some delicate and simultaneous extractions of the four wisdom teeth, this operation can take place in the hospital.

In this case, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Similarly, patients with cellulitis or hemorrhagic risk (under anticoagulant treatment …) can be referred to hospitals for the extraction of wisdom teeth.

What is the operation ?

After injecting the anesthetic, the surgeon incises the gum and freshens the bone around the tooth to release it. If the roots are divergent, the surgery will have to fragment the tooth before extracting it. The extraction of a single wisdom tooth takes about 15 minutes. In case of general anesthesia, hospitalization lasts from one to two days.

What are the suites ?

Pain treatment and mouthwashes are given for several days after the operation. The application of cold on the cheek effectively limits swelling and pain. To avoid bleeding, do not spit or mouthwash the same day, to avoid expelling the forming clot into the tooth cavity. It is also recommended not to smoke for the first four days after the procedure. The healing is done after ten to twelve days. The cutting of wisdom teeth can damage certain nerves and cause a loss of temporary or permanent sensitivity of the chin, lip or tongue. This complication, very inconfcotable, is rare (less than 4% of cases).

What you must remember

The extraction of wisdom teeth is usually indicated during orthodontic treatment, in case of pain or infection. The application of cold on the cheek effectively limits swelling and pain.

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Merci de votre compréhension.

Dr Azorin