
A day care service is organized on Sundays and public holidays by the Council of the Departmental Order of Dental Surgeons. You will find contact information for the on-call dentist by calling

05 63 63 29 95 ( dental house of  Tarn et Garonne ).

In case of consecutive dental trauma following a fall or shock, immediately contact our office, or the nearest hospital (odontology or stomatology and maxillofacial surgery).

If there is expulsion of a definitive tooth: please recover the tooth, without cleaning it, and keep it in physiological saline or milk (if not keep it in its own saliva). Relocation, if possible, should be done as quickly as possible. If there is displacement of the definitive teeth: The action is, hot, to replace them correctly with the pressure of the fingers. Healing will depend on the promptness of the medical team’s intervention.

Frequently asked questions

Brush your teeth regularly. Avoid eating too much sweet.

You can only make an appointment. Avoid looking for remedies or solutions on the internet, each case is special. Make an appointment and try to have the best oral hygiene possible.

En période de Post-Confinement Covid-19, le port du masque est conseillé lors de vos déplacements pour vos soins.

Rendez-vous au :

05 63 63 05 79

(ou par mail :

Merci de votre compréhension.

Dr Azorin